Important Notices


31 March, 2020

My dear students!

We are going through an extremely crucial and most unusual period in our life due to the incomprehensible outbreak of corona virus. It has posed a greater challenge as no scientific or medical research has so far discovered any definite preventive vaccine; the only cure of the disease covid-19 is precaution. Precaution is the only RAMBAAN that can save you from falling victim into the cruel clutches of corona virus.

I must tell you that as a receiver of corona virus, every individual is a far stronger transmitter; that is, a single individual career of corona virus can transmit corona virus into many people the career knowingly or unknowingly comes across. I request you to follow strictly all the advisories and instructions to safeguard yourself and everyone around you from corona virus. Remember that you must maintain Social Distance and you don’t have to cross LakshmanRekha of your house during lock down in the country, nothing else can control the spread of corona virus.

I wish you all the very best, keep safe, be brave!

Dr. Nirja Singh and All the Faculty Members